Welcome to the Website of the Faculty of Medicine, Nahdlatul Ulama University, Surabaya

Dr. Handayani, dr., M.Kes
Praise and Gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah SWT for the abundance of His mercy and grace, sholawat and greetings are always bestowed on Rasulullah SAW.
The Faculty of Medicine, Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya (FK Unusa), is a Faculty of Medicine that has 2 Study Programs, 5 Units and 25 Departments. We hope that this website can provide comprehensive information about the Unusa Faculty of Medicine, especially in Education, Research and Community Service activities , programs offered, health information, and other useful information, both for the FK Unusa academic community and the general public.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Dr. Handayani, dr., M.Kes

Wakil Dekan I
Ardyarini Dyah Savitri, dr., Sp.PD, FINASIM

Wakil Dekan II
Aisyah, dr., Sp.KFR

Wakil Dekan III
Hotimah Masdan Salim, dr., Ph.D
18 Mar - 07 Apr |
Donasi Alumni "Berbagi Bersama di Bulan Ramadhan"12:00 am |
Kajian Ramadhan Series : “Amalan Amalan Sunnah Idul Fitri” (Mentoring Dosen dan Tenaga Kependidikan)
UNIT BIOETIK DAN KEISLAMAN FK UNUSA Kajian Ramadhan Series 👨🏻💻 Bersama: Siti Maimunah, S.Ag., M.Pd.I. 🗓 Hari: Jumat, 28 Maret 2025 ⏰ Pukul: 14.00 WIB 📝 Materi : Amalan-Amalan Sunnah Idul Fitri Join Zoom Meeting 👇...
Kajian Ramadhan Series : “I’tikaf & Lailatul Qadar” (Mentoring Dosen dan Tenaga Kependidikan)
UNIT BIOETIK DAN KEISLAMAN FK UNUSA Kajian Ramadhan Series 👨🏻💻 Bersama: Siti Maimunah, S.Ag., M.Pd.I. 🗓 Hari: Jumat, 21 Maret 2025 ⏰ Pukul: 14.00 WIB 📝 Materi : I’tikaf & Lailatul Qadar Join Zoom Meeting 👇...
Santunan Yatim dan Dhuafa bersama ASTROCYTE FK UNUSA
📦 RAMDHAN BERBAGI bersama dengan ASTROCYTE FK UNUSA📦 Yuk mari jadikan Ramadhan ini lebih bermakna dengan memberi, karena kebahagiaan sejati adalah saat kita bisa menjadi alasan senyum mereka. •Donasi akan diberikan kepada pihak panti serta pihak yang membutuhkan🙌 •...
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