
Background & Aim: Acute vira l hepa titis (AVH) is a condition tha t is known to be ca used by enterica lly tra nsmitting Hepa titis A virus (HAV) and Hepa titis E virus (HEV). Usua lly, they result in self-limiting disea se but can be seriously threa tening if complica tions a rise. This study wa s done to determine the preva lence ra te of HAV a nd HEV in a tertia ry ca re hospita l in Ea st Delhi, India .

Material & Methods: The retrospective a nd observa tiona l study of 2-yea r dura tion wa s conducted in the Depa rtment of Microbiology a t UCMS and GTBH Delhi, India . A tota l of 410 sa mples from pa tients presenting with a clinica l dia gnosis of a cute hepa titis were considered in the study. The serum sa mples were a na lysed for IgM a nti-HAV a nd IgM a nti-HEV, respectively, using commercia lly a va ila ble ELISA kits.

Results: The seropreva lence of HAV a nd HEV were 2.19% a nd 0.24%, respectively. No ca se wa s found to be rea ctive for both pa ra meters, indica ting no ca se of co-infection. The ma jority of clinica l sa mples were from fema le pa tients.

Conclusion: The incidence of HEV a nd HAV illnesses suggests tha t East Delhi ha s a lower preva lence ra te of the reported vira l illnesses. This finding suggests one of the following: limited circula tion of the a gents, good sa nita ry conditions, a nd/or protective immunity a mong the popula tion tested. Nonetheless, we should continue to a ssess the ongoing conditions a nd ta ke mea sures to improve them.

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